Tintinnabulation: Let Freedom Ring & Great Leaders Arise!
What in the world is tintinnabulation? Pronounced \tin-tuh-nab-yuh-LAY-shun|
Tintinnabulation is an obscure word that means the ringing / sounding of bells.
Tintinnabulation is heard in the “I Have A Dream” speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYs
On January 19, 2015, America commemorates a great leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Jan. 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) and I hear the tintinnabulation of “Let Freedom Ring,” and I remember and appreciate a great leader whose words released the holy fire of God for liberty and justice for all.
As I reflect upon the leadership of Martin Luther King, I appreciate his lion’s heart of courage to proclaim boldly the egregious injustices of his time through demonstrations of nonviolence and peaceful protesting.
His inspirational vision for a better America, “I Have A Dream” speech stirs my soul every time I listen to it, because the bells of Freedom are still ringing for a better America……where leadership integrity rules in every profession within American society and in our public service…..where leaders serve the people and inspire hope with vision for a better tomorrow…..where leaders demonstrate competence to work with others and together, turn vision into reality.
Let Freedom Ring!
For such a time as this, “tintinnabulation” summons the call of leadership excellence in America:
Leaders who are willing to be courageous and not accept the status quo
Leaders who inspire excellence and encourage people to be true to their highest values
Leaders who engage the hearts and minds of the people with vision for a better tomorrow
Leaders of humility and professional will to acknowledge and appreciate the sacrifice of their followers
Leaders who are trustworthy: Competent, reliable, and have motives of integrity
Thank you Dr. Martin Luther King for being a leader of excellence, who continues to inspire the virtues of the American Constitution.

© 2015 Copyright Dr. LauraAnn Migliore